Website maintained by Martijn de Jong
NVTB Bestuur
Last update June 10 2024


Website of the Dutch society for theoretical biology (NVTB)
Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl meeting 2024 programme & info

Annual NVTB meeting 2024 (May 7 & 8, 2024)

We are pleased to have met so many of you at the NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2024 edition. It was a very fun meeting with a total of 42 participants and 23 very interesting talks. Many thanks to all of those who provided a talk (See programme and abstracts).

. During the general assembly, Kirsten ten Tusscher stepped down as chair and Martijn Egas was installed as the new chair. We would like to thank them for their efforts! The dunes were a bit flooded this year, but nonetheless we managed to reach the sea. Even though both the outside and water temperature were low, some still dared to take a dive. In addition we can already announce that the Schoorl meeting next year will take place on June 5th and 6th 2025. So you can already save the date!

At the meeting, it was announced that Xiaoyan Long won the award for the best theoretical biology paper of the year for the paper 'Transient polymorphisms in parental care strategies drive divergence of sex roles'. Jan Paul van Meenen was awarded the presentation prize for his talk 'Mechanistic remodeling of waning immunity and reinfection by COVID-19 in Manaus'. Congratulations to both once again! Group photo
A group photo of all those in attendance.

Best talk award
Jan Paul van Meenen is awarded the presentation prize by Kirsten ten Tusscher.

Also a big thanks to Dopersduin for provding us with an excellent place to stay. We would also like to thank the NWO for providing financial support, which helped us fund this meeting.

We hope to see many of you again next year. Kind regards,

Martijn Egas, Martijn de Jong & Erika Tsingos

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl meeting 2024 programme & info

Annual NVTB meeting 2024 (May 7 & 8, 2024)

We are pleased to see that many of you have signed up for the annual NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2024, which will take place in person at Dopersduin (Oorsprongweg 3) in Schoorl on the 7th and 8th of May. We have a very full and interesting programme planned with the keynote presentations by Sandra Loerakker & Martijn Egas, and the award for the best theoretical biology paper of the year as highlights!

The full programme can be downloaded from this link.

The abstract book can be downloaded from this link.

For those that have ordered a shared room and have not ordered bedlinnen, please do not forget to bring covers/a sleeping bag and a pillow-case. Also do not forget to bring suitable shoes for a walk through the dunes. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to seeing all of you to discuss all things theoretical biology!

We would also like to thank the NWO for providing financial support, which helps us fund this meeting. Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Martijn de Jong & Erika Tsingos

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

Registration for NVTB Schoorl meeting 2024

Annual NVTB meeting 2024 (May 7 & 8, 2024)

We are pleased to invite all of you to our annual NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2024, which will take place in person at Dopersduin (Oorsprongweg 3) in Schoorl on the 7th and 8th of May. Be sure to sign-up as soon as possible as availability is limited! Registration will close on the 12th of April. We invite everyone to submit an abstract for a presentation. We would like to especially encourage master students, PhDs and postdocs to submit such an abstract, as they are also eligible for the best presentation award (€100 prize). Please be sure to spread the word about the Schoorl 2024 meeting to any colleagues that may be interested (for example by using this poster).

. The keynote presentations will be provided by Sandra Loerakker: "Computational approaches to analyze and predict mechano-regulated cardiovascular regeneration" and Martijn Egas: "Human cooperation by reciprocity".

You can register for Schoorl 2024 using this form

The meeting will start on the 7th of May around 10:30 and will end on the 8th of May around 17:00. For prices and accomodation options see the registration form.

This year we will again award the NVTB prize for the best theoretical biology paper of the year. The award will consist of a €100 prize, accompanied by an invited talk at Schoorl. The deadline for submission is closed. Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Martijn de Jong & Erika Tsingos

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl meeting 2023: A brief report

A brief report regarding the Annual NVTB Schoorl meeting 2023 (June 19 & 20, 2023)

We are pleased to have met so many of you at the NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2023 edition. All in all it was a very fun meeting with a total of 44 participants and lots of very interesting theoretical biology! As per tradition, we managed to get lost in the dunes. Many thanks to all of those who provided a talk (See programme).

Official minutes from the general assembly can be found on this link. At this general assembly, Timo van Eldijk stepped down as secretary and Magdalena Kozielska-Reid stepped down as treasurer. We would like to thank them for their efforts! Martijn de Jong has been installed as the new secretary and Erika Tsingos has been installed as the new treasurer. In addition we can already announce that the Schoorl meeting next year will take place on May 7th and 8th 2024. So you can already save the date!

Group photo
A group photo of all those in attendance.

Photo of honorary members
A particulair highlight was the induction of three honorary members. From left to right: Franjo Weissing, Hans Metz and Charlotte Hemelrijk.

Also a big thanks to Dopersduin for provding us with an excellent place to stay. We would also like to thank the NWO for providing financial support, which helped us fund this meeting.

Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Martijn de Jong& Erika Tsingos

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl meeting 2023 programme & info

Annual NVTB meeting 2023 (June 19 & 20, 2023)

We are pleased to see that many of you have signed up for the annual NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2023, which will take place in person at Dopersduin (Oorsprongweg 3) in Schoorl on the 19th and 20th of June. We have a very full and interesting programme planned with the keynote presentations by Lia Hemerik & Bram van Dijk as highlights!

The full programme can be downloaded from this link.

The abstract book can be downloaded from this link.

The general assembly agenda can be downloaded from this link.

For those that have ordered a shared room and have not ordered bed-linen, please do not forget to bring covers/a sleeping bag and a pillow-case. Also do not forget to bring suitable shoes for a walk through the dunes. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to seeing all of you to discuss all things theoretical biology!

We would also like to thank the NWO for providing financial support, which helps us fund this meeting.

For those that have ordered a sharedn Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Timo van Eldijk & Magdalena Kozielska-Reid

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

Registration for NVTB Schoorl meeting 2023

Annual NVTB meeting 2023 (June 19 & 20, 2022)

We are pleased to invite all of you to our annual NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2023, which will take place in person at Dopersduin (Oorsprongweg 3) in Schoorl on the 19th and 20th of June. Be sure to sign-up as soon as possible as availability is limited! Registration will close on the 1st of June. We invite everyone to submit an abstract for a presentation. We would like to especially encourage master students, PhDs and postdocs to submit such an abstract, as they are also eligible for the best presentation award (€100 prize). Please be sure to spread the word about the Schoorl 2023 meeting to any colleagues that may be interested (for example by using this poster).

The keynote presentations will be provided by Bram van Dijk: "Can detrimental endosymbionts persist without horizontal transmission" and Lia Hemerik: "Matrix population models and their applications".

You can register for Schoorl 2023 using this form

The meeting will start on the 19th of June around 10:30 and will end on the 20th of June around 17:00. For prices and accomodation options see the registration form.

This year we will again award the NVTB prize for the best theoretical biology paper of the year. The award will consist of a €100 prize, accompanied by an invited talk at Schoorl. The deadline for submission is the 26th of April 2023, for more details see the registration form.

You can register for the theoretical biology paper of the year award through this form this form

Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Timo van Eldijk & Magdalena Kozielska-Reid

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl meeting 2022: A brief report

A brief report regarding the Annual NVTB Schoorl meeting 2022 (June 7 & 8, 2022)

We are pleased to have met so many of you at the NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2022 anniversary edition. All in all it was a very fun meeting with a total of 48 participants and lots of very interesting theoretical biology! We even managed to get lost in the dunes! Many thanks to all of those who provided a talk (See programme).

Official minutes from the general assembly can be found on this link. In addition we can already announce that the Schoorl meeting next year will take place on June 19 and 20, 2023. So you can already save the date!

Group foto
A group photo of all those in attendance.

Foto of honorary members
A particulair highlight was the induction of three honorary members: Odo Dieckmann, Paulien Hogeweg & Bas Kooijman (Hans Metz was also selected as an Honorary member but will be officially inducted during Schoorl 2023)

Also a big thanks to Dopersduin for provding us with an excellent place to stay. We would also like to thank the NWO for providing financial support, which helped us fund this meeting.

Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Timo van Eldijk & Magdalena Kozielska-Reid

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl meeting 2022 programme & info

Annual NVTB meeting 2022 (June 7 & 8, 2022)

We are pleased to see that many of you have signed up for the annual NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2022 anniversary edition, which will take place in person at Dopersduin (Oorsprongweg 3) in Schoorl on the 7th and 8th of June. We have a very full and interesting programme planned which includes our two keynote presentations:

Franjo Weissing: "Evolution of parental sex roles - Individual-based simulations versus analytical predictions"
Like Fokkens: "Genome organization in F. oxysporum: mix and match of accessory chromosomes".

The full programme can be downloaded from this link.

For those that have not ordered bed-linen, please do not forget to bring covers/a sleeping bag and a pillow-case. Also do not forget to bring suitable shoes for a walk through the dunes. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to let us know. We look forward to seeing all of you to discuss all things theoretical biology!

We would also like to thank the NWO for providing financial support, which helps us fund this meeting.

Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Timo van Eldijk & Magdalena Kozielska-Reid

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

Registration for NVTB Schoorlmeeting 2022 anniversary edition!

Annual NVTB meeting 2022 (June 7 & 8, 2022)

We are pleased to invite all of you to our annual NVTB meeting: Schoorl 2022 anniversary edition, which will take place in person at Dopersduin (Oorsprongweg 3) in Schoorl on the 7th and 8th of June. Be sure to sign-up as soon as possible as availability is limited! Registration will close on the 17th of May. We invite everyone to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation. We would like to especially encourage master students, PhDs and postdocs to submit such an abstract, as they are also eligible for the best presentation award (€100 prize). Please be sure to spread the word about Schoorl 2022 to any colleagues that may be interested (for example by using this poster).

The keynote presentations will be provided by Franjo Weissing: "Evolution of parental sex roles - Individual-based simulations versus analytical predictions" and Like Fokkens: "Genome organization in F. oxysporum: mix and match of accessory chromosomes".

You can register for Schoorl 2022 using this form

The meeting will start on the 7th of June around 10:30 and will end on the 8th of June around 17:00. It will take place at dopersduin All meals (this does not include dinner on the 8th of June) and an overnight stay at Dopersduin are included in the conference fee. All meals will be vegetarian. Regarding accomodation there are two options: a shared room (shared with 4 people, room division will be made upon arrival, €70 for members, €85 for non-members) or a single room (Single room (€145 for members, €160 for non-members). There is a €10 discount for BSc and MSc students. For more information see the registration form.

This year’s meeting will be a special anniversary edition to celebrate our 50th anniversary as a society (which took place in 2020). Hence we are pleased to announce a special NVTB prize for the best theoretical biology paper of the year. The prize will consist of a €100 prize, accompanied by an invited talk at Schoorl. The deadline for submission is the 17th of May 2022, for more details see the registration form.

You can register for the theoretical biology paper of the year award through this form this form

Kind regards,

Kirsten ten Tusscher, Timo van Eldijk & Magdalena Kozielska-Reid

Board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

NVTB Schoorl-online 2021

We would hereby like to invite you all to join the yearly NVTB meeting. Because of the current covid-19 pandemic we decided for a single day online meeting on May the 14th starting at 9:30 and ending around 16:00. We can already announce our two keynote speakers: Dr. Rutger Hermsen (UU) & Prof. Dr. Rampal Etienne (RUG). Rampal Etienne will talk about “Next-generation Island Biogeography”.

We cordially invite both NVTB members and non-NVTB members to join the meeting & contribute either a short or a long scientific presentation. Participation is free of charge. We hope you will spread the word amongst your colleagues. Registration will close on the 5th of May.

You can no longer register for this meeting .

Through the sign-up form you can also let us know if you would like to give a talk. Do note that the number of talks is limited, speakers that are selected will be notified on the 7th of May. All participants will receive a google-meet link to join the meeting in due time. Directly after the meeting we will hold the general assembly, for which all NVTB members are invited.

We hope to see many of you online.

Kind regards, Kirsten ten Tusscher, Timo van Eldijk, Jeroen Meijer

board of the NVTB

Picture by Levien van Zon

Programme and other info Schoorl 2019

NVTB meeting 2019 (May 23-24, 2019)

The final programme and more information is now available in the booklet. In short, registration will start on the 23rd at 10.15, and we'll start the meeting at 10.45. Presenters will be able to present on their own laptop, or on one of the laptops present (usually we have at least 1 Macbook and 1 Windows machine), and a laser pointer will be provided by us. If you requested a 4-bedded room, you need to either bring a sleeping-bag+pillow case OR rent sheets at Dopersduin. (€8,50). If you have not yet received by the end of Friday (May 24), please contact us.

Picture by Levien van Zon

Schoorl 2019!

Annual NVTB meeting 2019 (May 23 & 24, 2019)

We are once again happy to invite all of our members to the annual NVTB-retreat on May 23 & 24 (2019) in Schoorl. As always, our meeting aims to have a pleasant, informal, and yet informative meeting where scientists and students ...


The Dutch Society for Theoretical Biology (NVTB) is a biological society focussing on theoretical, mathematical, computational, and philosophical biology. The society comprises 200 members from several universities, institutes and other organisations. The main aim of the society is to stimulate and represent theoretical biology in its broadest sense in the Netherlands.