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Last update June 10 2024
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Winter Class ‘Modeling Growth and Metabolism of Microorganisms’

Februari 15 & 16, 2018

Minnaert building, Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE Utrecht
This Winterclass is organised by the PhD Track Computational Life Sciences of the Graduate School of Life Sciences and the Utrecht University Complex System Studies.

In a string of recent, highly influential papers, mathematical models went hand in hand with experiments to greatly increase our understanding of the growth and metabolism of microorganisms. Coarse-grained mathematical models were used to describe steady-state growth at the population level under a wide range of external conditions. Interestingly, at the same time models were developed to describe the stochastic nature of cellular growth. Owing to their quantitative success and their predictive power, mathematical models have become of great importance in cellular biology. In this Winter Class we will therefore discuss a number of influential mathematical modeling techniques and their applications to growth and metabolism. Subjects and techniques covered will include: coarse-grained modeling, Flux Balance Analysis, stochastic calculations.


Dr. Frank Bruggeman (VU, Amsterdam)

Dr. Vahid Shahrezaei (Imperial College, London)


Pieter Rein ten Wolde (AMOLF, Amsterdam)
Ralf Steuer (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin)
Bob Planqué (VU, Amsterdam)
Andrea Weiße

In an informal setting modeling experts will talk about their recent work in the field of mathematical modeling. On both days there will be a hands-on session where we will get acquainted with the techniques used in a recent paper, after an introductory talk by the author. These papers will need to be read in advance.

We think this Winter Class will be interesting for PhD students with a background in Theoretical or Computational Biology, whose main focus is on theory. However, experimentalists that want to dive deeper into the subject of modeling, are welcome as well.

Attending this two day Winter Class is free of charge. The Winter Class includes: two days of talks and lectures, lunch on both Thursday and Friday and dinner on Thursday (pizza!). Accommodation is not included.

Maximum number of participants:

Please fill in the form under the following link:

Please include in your short motivation your educational background and your current field of research. In case of too many applications, a selection will be made based upon motivation and background.

If you have further questions please contact Laurens Krah. (l.h.j.krah (AT)

Kind regards,

Laurens Krah, Bram van Dijk and Daan de Groot

How to get there?

From Utrecht Central Station take bus 12 or 28 in the direction of Utrecht Science Park-De Uithof. Get off at the bus stop Botanische Tuinen, from where the Minnaert building can be seen: the red building with in large, metallic letters “Minnaert” written before the main entrance. Detailed information about the lecture rooms will be provided later.

Formal address of the Minnaert building: Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands

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